September 21, 2006


I'm a big fan of garlic. Probably a little too much. But I've heard that garlic has cancer fighting compounds and is one of the healthiest foods. I don't like bottled marinara so I make my own — which includes so much garlic that my skin sweats it out for a week afterward.
If you are ever asked to bring an hors d'oeuvre to a party, roasted garlic and fabulous bread (like the Italian ciabatta) is a simple and sophisticated contribution. The garlic will actually spread like butter and I promise it just won't last long so make sure to prepare an extra bulb for yourself. Here is a quick recipe from Martha Stewart's body+soul.

Recipe: Take a whole bulb of garlic and remove the outermost papery layers. Cut off the top of the bulb, exposing the individual cloves. Drizzle with olive oil, wrap in parchment paper (or aluminum foil), and bake at 400° until soft, about 1 hour. Cool slightly before using or serving.

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