October 24, 2006


The history behind the catacombs in Paris is interesting. Basically some cemetaries and mass grave sites had bones discreetly removed and relocated to the quarries underground in order to put a stop to sickness/disease relating to improper burials. This, of course, was in the 18th Century.
Today, a small section of the catacombs is open to the public with a mandatory guide. Because the catacombs span miles upon miles and are rarely marked, it would be too easy to get lost in such a place and therefore it is illegal to be inside the catacombs unattended.
I thought they made a terrific late-October post and a good way to include a site in Paris that Nate and I are sure to visit. As an aside, Victor Hugo used his knowledge of the catacombs in his novel Les Miserables.

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