February 16, 2007


Imagine this scenario: You wake up one morning; nothing special in store for the day - maybe some laundry, a good breakfast {for once}, scrub the shower. Or, maybe you are driving to work; same as the day before - planning to work on that status report and maybe update your marketing plan. And suddenly, your phone rings.
On the other line is a good friend who happens to be the publicist for someone or something really cool and she's calling to see if you want to come to the opening gala or publicity event she's hosting tomorrow night. Tomorrow Night!
OR, maybe you are asked on a date {late notice} by someone way too perfect to turn down...and it's tomorrow night. Yup, Tomorrow Night!
Whatever the case may be, if you are caught is this kind of moment you feel immediate elation and then, seconds later, white hot fear. What are you going to wear?
Well, we all probably need a therapist to walk us through how what we wear does not define us as a person, nor does it determine our worth. But in the meantime, you might want to go shopping at endless.com for a decent selection of shoes and handbags. And here's the amazing part: FREE, OVERNIGHT SHIPPING.
Here are a few of my pics.

1 comment:

ali said...

Too good to be true! Great find.