Ali and
Marta are about to embark on new journeys, live in different places, invent new lives. I'm excited for both of them! A few months ago when Nate and I thought we were moving to Houston I went through similar soul-searching moments. I was excited at the thought of something new and scared and reluctant to leave what I know and love. Through it all, the man of reason, Nate, reminded me that we would always have each other and any difficult or uncomfortable detail of a new life would contain the familiarities of holding his hand and figuring it out together.
Dear Ali and Marta, may you love DC and Idaho respectively and adapt quickly. May you find new friends, employment and a cozy place to call home. AND, may you also find your favorite cafe, bookstore, and place to go and think.

Photo from Crosti's photostream on flickr.
Thank you, Tonia! I can always count on you to back me up. So no Houston, huh? If anything opens up in DC, I'll take you any day. :)
You better believe I'll be looking for my favorite places.
this is the nicest. thank you! what a doll you are. it's always nice to remember that my bloggy friends will always be close at hand. i appreciate all the well wishes!
I can't wait to read all about the fun adventures you both have. I'm sure, because of Nate's line of work, that we'll be embarking on a new experience in the next year or two as well. Fun and scary at the same time!
Tonia - you have such a way with words. This is the kindest farewell note ever! What sweet things...
You're so kind.
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