That's how I feel today. Like cheap, easily traded penny stock. I got to work today, after finding out I have a cavity, to learn that I'm being traded to yet another account at work. I'm trying not to take it personally because I truly have worked my behind off. But still, there's a sting associated with your manager telling you you've been traded like penny stock to another account. Worst part? The new account is XXXX. The account others refer to as "the place they send people to die." Interpreted that means that you'll work so long and hard you'll die younger or wish you could.
Maybe my worst day of work yet. Not a happy girl.
:( I'm so so sorry.
you deserve a new pair of shoes.
Try to keep your head up Tonia. I don't want to be cliche, but I'm sure you know the saying... everything happens...blah, blah, blah. Please try to keep some perspective and figure out what you could possibly be learning from this experience. Maybe this will make some of your future plans an easier transition? Just know that we love you & we think you are great!
~b (&t)
Yuck...this stinks. Time to run away and join the circus.
I def agree with jordan: new shoes!
but is sucks, I feel for ya. Maybe you can change that Microsoft curse around ;)
I'm just glad that I'm not the only one that has had problems working with you. Come on, chin up soldier. Of course, I'm kidding. I can't afford to encourage you to buy shoes, so I hope that a laugh can be considered equal trade. Or Make Trade Fair. Or something.
I think that Microsoft is one of those Walmart like clients that companies can't afford not to lose contracts with and therefore, yours is probably just making sure the best people are running the show. OR, after Mr. Gates pays off that record fine, they'll bankrupt and you'll get put onto the Ubercool design team.
Have you figured out why Brandi refuses to come to me for emotional support yet?
What can I say..can tell you it's really hard, but sometimes in retrospect, things turn out for the best. Their loss, hopefully, your gain. One nice constant in your life though, is you have Nate and Nate has you. LOL sorry. i am bummed for you, but i know you will make the best of it. what else can you do?
Thank you for all the well wishing! I'm gonna make the best of my situation...and just as you say, it all happens for a reason.
Change sucks, but give me a couple of weeks or months and I'll have a new perspective.
THREE CHEERS FOR YOU TONIA !!! You cannot keep a good woman down now, can you. You go girl.......
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