After reading this month's "From My Home To Yours" section of Martha Stewart Living, I'm convinced I'd like to be a weekend guest at
one of Martha's spectacular homes. Consider this; she greats each guest with a welcome letter. You find your room {each is numbered and assigned specifically to meet the needs of the individual guest} stocked with stationary, postcards, stamps and travel books about the area. She plans early morning dog walks, vigorous hikes or horseback riding and then everyone eats a hearty breakfast together around the big table. Oh, and each night she runs through the next morning's activities; timing of breakfast, boat departures and general scheduling.
On the flip side, if you stay at my house, I have yogurt in the fridge and it's a strict "help yourself" policy for breakfast. We stay up late playing guitar hero and you're lucky to have a clean towel without asking. Sometimes, in quiet moments, I really resent Martha's perfect world of lies.

If I want the spa treatment, I'll go to a spa where I don't have Martha bossing me around. If I want a nice relaxing time with people I enjoy, I'll stay with friends or family, use their stale towels and eat straight from their fridge. Your hospitality is the best kind cause it includes GUITAR HERO! When I come to town next we need to have a face off!
Seriously. Martha and I have such a love/hate relationship. She can be such an asshole.
I like your blog, btw. Not sure how I found you.
i love staying at your home. it feels like a home and that's best. martha's lies make us all feel under par, though i admit i try to throw in some of her tips in welcoming guests---whatever i can manage:)
Tonia, I must say that I have been inspired by YOUR hospitality. I feel so special when I stay at your house. I used to put our older blankets, pillows, and towels downstairs for the guest bed and bath. After being treated like royalty at your house, I have bought a memory foam pad, pillows, and new bedding for the guest bed, and new towels for the bathroom. I want my guests to feel as comfortable and important at my house as you have made me feel in yours!
I read this article at my sister's house last night. We discussed it at length. I could be a pompous hostess like she is if I had a staff at my disposal. Someone to do the shopping, cleaning, cooking, serving, etc. But I'm only one woman, so I do my best. My guests don't expect any of this, yet we probably have more fun than she does!
i read the article as well and all i wanted to do was take a nap after reading it. i'm not running a resort or a cruiseline. my guests know where the clean towels are and can borrow my bike any time they please.
My guests might freak if they arrived to a handwritten letter. I can't even imagine the amount of time it would take to be that hospitable. Apparently I need to beef up my hosting skills pronto!
I agree with those who have felt loved and cared for in your home, Tonia. It's more about being with someone you love than all the other stuff :)
Love, Mom
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