I'm planning to ride ~70 miles to participate in ULCER {Utah Lake Century Epic Ride} on August 9; I'll be part of "team cricut". I'm starting to train now because I really must represent the ladies to the fullest. A secondary motivation, one that always motivates, the dreaded cycling shorts. I've got to rock the shorts.
I'm also trying to get Nate to do this ride on July 4. I stopped by Infinite Cycles on the way home and learned how to change a tire and patch a leaky tube. Look at me, I'm all grown up. These guys had awesome service and helped me get my much loved Croix de Fer all ready to start training. Don't judge me if my legs get bulky. It's all muscle.
seriously you're a rock star. and i won't be all judgey on your thighs. I'll just be hiding mine.
Tonia, you are rad, but I'm sure you already knew that. You should talk to Tim's sister Christine about the ride she just did 3 weeks ago in Logan - maybe you've heard of it? It's an all women's ride called "Little Red Riding Hood" - I was looking for some sort of "official" web page that explained a little more, but I found this blog entry instead http://pedalingfast.blogspot.com/2008/04/ride-in-logan.html
that probably explains it just as well. Anyway, good luck with your training!
What Brandi DIDN'T tell you is that she bought her first pair of biker shorts at the Pearl Izumi outlet while we were in Salt Lake. She rocks them even though she probably feels more like Paisley than an athlete until she gets used to the padding. We doesn't have a bike yet, but until then she's going to get crazy with some spin classes at the gym.
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