April 03, 2007

YAHOO FOR BRANDI RICKS (late but meaningful)

Brandi and I have taken the RV trip to Southern California to enjoy Coachella - twice! In order to enjoy someone's company for a solid 12-15 hours in an RV requires they be happy, easy going and fun. All of which describes Brandi perfectly. Top that with her dry sarcasm and unexplainable love of Alien Fresh Jerky and you've got one of the greatest friends you could find.

Happy Birthday to you Brandi. I know I'm late and when it was discovered I felt terrible. And then I tried to find something sarcastic to say. But I'm not as good at that as you are so you'll have to settle for a sincere pronouncement of YAHOO! I miss you and I hope you are enjoying the gestation period of your pregnancy! Your little girl will be immediately cool; i just know it!

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