August 24, 2006


Due to the strict new airline rules , Amie and I have decided it might be a good idea to fashion some kind of "flite pac" to take with us to Barcelona in October. Since we can no longer carry our moisturizers, lip glosses, tooth paste and face misters, a long over seas flight will likely result in girl melt-down. Here are some items we've decided are must haves.

  • The yellow stick which can be found in any grocery store and costs about $1. The beauty of the yellow stick is that it can be used for facial moisturizing, lip balm and dry, chapped hands.
  • Beauty wipes which can be used for cleansing face, body, clear conscience
  • A good relationship with the flight attendent. This can result in a revolving door of water bottles and sanitized airline blankets.
  • An entertaining book. I recommend Smart Women Finish Rich, by David Back. Amie once told me she liked Geek Love, by Katherine Dunn
  • iPod with lots of good tunes. For a list of my favorites, see right navigation.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the rules will relax a bit before we go to Spain.

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