September 08, 2006


When Nate and I were planning our wedding, Jordan suggested we use her photographer friend Aubrey to take our pics. I liked the stuff Aubrey had done for Paul and Jordan so we gave her a call. That's when my life changed.

I've always hated pictures of myself. All pictures. Especially the ones that get taken at restaurants when I'm leaning to fit into the frame and end up with a double chin captured forever on someone else's film role. Terrible! Anyway, Aubrey took our engagement photos and I loved them. There were actually some where I looked pretty. Nate, of course, looked hot in every single one.

Then Aubrey took our wedding photos and I loved them, too. She has such a unique and fresh perspective. Not posed or insincere. She really captures those moments when someone is expressing something unique and genuine. She took one of my parents at my wedding that I'll always treasure. It's a photo of my mom laughing and every time I look at it I can hear her.

So it's a founded statement that Aubrey is a talented artist living among us. But she's also really sweet and pretty too. You know the girls who happen to be stunning to look at but are really bitchy when you get to know them? She's not of that kind. She has a great sense of style and can wear a pair of skinny jeans better then anyone I know.

While she was taking photos at Tim and Brandi's wedding, Nate and I decided to take photos of her. Here are a few.

Here are a few photos Aubrey has taken that I like.

See! Now you know why I can say that I have a girl crush on her.
Thanks cute Aubrey!


jordan said...

Did she tell you she is moving to NY? :( So sad.

Tonia Conger said...

Yeah, I got the update at Tim and Brandi's wedding. I was sad to hear that she was moving...but NYC is such a fun place to live. I've move back in a heartbeat.
Have fun in Sonoma.