February 11, 2007


Nate left for Denver this morning. It was about 5:30 am when I hugged him and he left for the airport. I slept a while longer but never really rested soundly once he was gone. When I did get out of bed and looked out the window I was greated by a dismal and rainy day.
I watched Sabrina {the original with Ms Hepburn} and then became suddenly inspired to get outside and breath in some non-basemented air. It was rainy and cold but the urge to run the soreness out of my muscles motivated me to suit up, turn on the iPod and go.
After my run I took a quick shower and then curse of all curses - the power went out. I was stranded in the basement, in the dark, without my Nate. Nothing worked but the gas fireplace and the light it produced was not even enough to read by {though warm}. I remember having fun as a child when the power went out. We'd stoke up the fire in the fireplace, light a bunch of candles and do something out of the ordinary {like make smores or tell scary stories}. Everything seemed so primitive and magical back then.
Here are some photos I took of all the tea lights I had going in the basement. It could have been so romantic had Nate been home, but all I ended up cuddling up to was the last few pages of Touching the Void.

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