October 19, 2007


Nate missed his flight yesterday. Something about the toll roads being really busy at rush hour. Anyway, I talked to him around 7pm and he told me he had scheduled a flight home early this morning and was retiring at the airport Marriott.
I turned in around 11pm, tired and alone. I have this blanket that smells like dryer sheets and as long as I have that to snuggle with while Nate's gone, I'm okay.

I pictured him asleep in his hotel bed, with the alarm set extra early so he wouldn't miss his flight again.

Fast forward to 2am. I'm in the middle of a dream, probably about the nightmare I've created by committing to wear flat shoes to work, when I feel someone lift the blankets and climb in bed with me.

The first few seconds of this precise situation felt normal. I'm used to Nate being there, rolling over, making a noise. And then logic and conscious thought take over and I remember that Nate isn't home and NO ONE should be creeping into bed with me.
Expletives shot through my brain. But all I could mutter was, "wait, who, what the?" Then I heard Nate's familiar giggle and knew it was him. I realize there was a critical moment in the Houston airport where he could have called me to tell me he was coming home...but he decided against it. Instead, his plan was to get home, sneak into the room and freak me out. Plan executed!


Ruth Thompson said...

That is SO darling! I loved, loved, loooved that story. Ryan did that to me last week when he came home. He told me he mis-read his return flight and wouldn't be home until hours later than I had originally thought. Yea for surprises!!! Nate is great.

The Meesh said...

I think I would have freaked out and went into Ninja mode. Unfortunately I don't handle surprises/ getting scared very well. Especially when it involves me being unexpectedly woken up.

dayna said...

ha ha! Matt has done that to me before, too. It is amazing how you can go from so relaxed to heart racing and adrenalin pumping so fast.

CaraDee said...

Now THAT'S romantic.

Rebecca said...

Ask Sherm to tell you about the time I had a bad dream about a guy in black leather holding a Harley over my head! I went into "freak-out" mode and started kicking him in the back and belly and screaming...
Amazing he still sleeps with me! :)

Rebecca said...
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brandi (and tim) said...

There's nothing romantic about getting pummeled. I know better than to try something like that. I would have never survived that sort of 'surprise'.
