September 07, 2008


I've been doing a lot of traveling lately so I dropped many movies on my iPod to make the hours of flying pass by more quickly. I recently watched Into the Wild and now I cannot stop thinking about it. It was like watching someone live the dream I've had since I was about 19 {minus the starving in the magic bus, of course}. I think the part I loved the most was watching him run around on the prairie with horses. Happy. Unbridled. FREE. "Life was more exciting when I was penniless."
If you haven't, you should watch it.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I hear you. For WEEKS after I saw this film it stayed with me. SO MANY powerful scenes in this movie. I loved the way this movie was filmed and acted. Pure, beautiful art. Looks like you had a grand time in Canada! Welcome back!