November 02, 2008


If you have two hours to spare in the next week and fancy yourself a Guy Richie movie fan, get thee to the theater for a little RockNRolla! Good music. Great plot and characters. Smokin' pace. Oh, and Thandie Newton is in it for anyone still doubting. Might be one of the best movies of the year!


dayna said...

SO SO want to see this...i am a bit of a gerard butler fan:)
and sheesh! tonia! i always feel like a loser reading your blog! you are so up on everything cool and living the high life it seems. it's hard at times not to feel like all i do is wipe noses and butts all day. ahhh the glorious life of a mother. although, i do admit, the staying at home part has grown on me immensely! love you much and miss you and nate both a ton!

CaraDee said...

Gerald Butler is my boyfriend ever since 300, but not including P.S. This Movie Sucks.