August 30, 2006


I work in an office with controlled air. My skin and hair get very dry and I end up looking tired and aged by the time I leave the building. But it doesn't stop there. I live in arid climate of Utah so once I walk outside my skin is zapped yet again. Feeling helpless, I turned to Amie for advice. She recommended TwinLab Na-PCA which you can buy here. This stuff is great. It's different then spritzing your face with water because unlike water, this doesn't just evoporate.

"The skin contains natural moisturizers, the most important being Na-PCA. Old skin contains only about half the amount of Na-PCA as that found in young skin. The ability of skin to hold moisture is directly related to its Na-PCA content. It is water, and not oil, that keeps skin soft and supple. Na-PCA pulls water out of the air, moisturizing the skin, improving its appearance, and giving it a moist and youthful glow."

For $5.95 a bottle (can be purchased at Wild Oats), it's the perfect thing to sit on your desk. The misting sensation is totally relaxing and it purifies your very largest of organs...your skin!


Anonymous said...

Per your suggestions, I bought a bottle of this stuff this week and it actually works really well for use 8-9 hours-in-an-office types. Thanks for the tips Clemantine.

Anonymous said...

Also, there is a couple people here (they have their own offices) that run humidifiers everyday. I wish I could have that luxury, but I am in a little cubicle at the momento . . .

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