August 25, 2006


This blog is for all you creatures of habit! Don't be shamed; it's okay to really, really like something. In fact, I'm proud of most of my addictions. Nate get's a bit uncomfortable when I start moaning over the succulent taste of cheddar cheese gold fish crackers from Pepperidge Farms. But I know he's probably making the same sounds when he gets his VMware working on SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop from Novell. So we are even.

My most passionate addictions are Nate's big, fat lips. I love them. When he's traveling I wish I could keep his lips home to hang out with. I'd say my second addiction is a tie between lovely shoes and sephora. I just bought these shoes which had to be shipped from California and I'm anxiously awaiting a visit from UPS. Buy them here.

Another addiction is Schwarzkopf Sealed Ends. It's the best hair care product I've ever used. I get lazy about using the blow dryer on my hair and get into a rut where I let it air-dry. And if I use the Sealed Ends I actually look pretty hot. If I don't...I look like Bette Midler.

I used to be addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. But that all changed one day when I just simply lost the taste for it. I'll sip it on occasion, but nothing like the hand-over-fist fashion in which I drank it in 2005. That being said, I also know that an aging girl of 35 needs her liquids in order to keep her skin hydrated. And that's when I found zipfizz. I love the little tubes it comes in and the way it makes my water fizz with lemony goodness. It's best when consumed icey cold. I encourage everyone to try it and use it. Sugar free, lots and lots of vitamin C and other essentials. I get mine at Costco.
My skin is picky. As an example, I tried to use the generic form of proactive. Not because I had unruly acne...but because I'm intoxicated by Jessica Simpson's skin in the commercials she does for proactive. Anyway, I used this for two days and conclude with firm indignation that it could be used to strip floors. Under my eyes became scaley, my lids flaked, and my neck broke out in a horrible rash. When I found out that Kym would be in San Francisco and just a short walk from Sephora I called in the cavalry. I'm an advocate for Juice Beauty Products. I love the way they smell. I love that they use citric juices. I love the way my skin glows when I use them. Kym got me two items which i whole-heartedly recommend. Green Apple Anti-Oxidant Moisturizer ($43) and Green Apple Cleansing Gel ($22).
Try them for yourself.

I love Mrs. Meyers Cleaning Products. Either I'm totally addicted to the geranium scent, or there is some hypnotizing powers in those bottles that make cleaning fun. I love the way my house smells on Saturday afternoon following a good scrub. I currently use (all in geranium scent): surface scrub, general purpose scrub, window cleaner, shower spray, hand soap and lotion, dish soap, ironing spray, toilet bowl cleaner, countertop spray and dryer sheets. Our little condo smells like a florist when I'm done.

The last thing I'll mention is my love for magazines. Those I adore include Martha Stewart, Oprah, Domino, Lucky, Bluprint, and US Weekly. Here is the TIP OF THE DAY: get your subscriptions on eBay. You'll end up paying a fraction of the price and the only draw-back is that you have to wait about 8-10 weeks for your subscription to kick-in. In the meantime, it's fundamentally okay to buy the issues you are missing from the newstand. Just make sure that the subscription you purchase includes shipping and handling so you don't get hung-out-to-dry. Happy shopping.

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