If it seems like I'm name dropping, I am; I'm not above it. But sitting at the table in the restaurant, in the presence of these women with talent and determination and brilliance, has really begged me to take a step back and reassess what happened to my own writing plans. Oh wait, I think I see them. Buried underneath all the other expectations I've put on myself. Does someone have a shovel?

I know a lot of people that would be utterly jealous of your dinner companions. I haven't read them yet, so I'm not, but maybe I will be soon. And when I am, you'll know it.
Ummm, you stinker. Jealousy is making me crazy at this moment. What was lunch with such an amazing pair like? Are they "normal" people?
Oh I am right there with you. My writing dreams have been stuffed beneath my mortgage bill and the latest Anthro catalog along with dust bunnies and my best laid plans of a new file system.
No need for jealousy. These women are completely down to earth and friendly and forthcoming. They accepted me even without a book deal or an agent. I did use my line about "loving a book so much I wanted to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant" and I wouldn't be surprised if they submit my suggestion when reviewing someone else's book. I contribute in any way I can.
OK Tonia, so you know...
It's good I wasn't there, as I feel like such a "Shannon-groupie"
I imagine what a fun time you had together.
Love you, B
Amen, sister. I miss writing.
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