May 17, 2008


Saturday I dined in SLC with Shannon Hale {some of you know her as my bff authorly friend who I've known for the last 10+ years} and her authorly friend Stephenie Meyers {aka the woman who took vampire love triangles by storm with the likes of Twilight}.
If it seems like I'm name dropping, I am; I'm not above it. But sitting at the table in the restaurant, in the presence of these women with talent and determination and brilliance, has really begged me to take a step back and reassess what happened to my own writing plans. Oh wait, I think I see them. Buried underneath all the other expectations I've put on myself. Does someone have a shovel?


CaraDee said...

I know a lot of people that would be utterly jealous of your dinner companions. I haven't read them yet, so I'm not, but maybe I will be soon. And when I am, you'll know it.

The Meesh said...

Ummm, you stinker. Jealousy is making me crazy at this moment. What was lunch with such an amazing pair like? Are they "normal" people?

Anonymous said...

Oh I am right there with you. My writing dreams have been stuffed beneath my mortgage bill and the latest Anthro catalog along with dust bunnies and my best laid plans of a new file system.

Tonia Conger said...

No need for jealousy. These women are completely down to earth and friendly and forthcoming. They accepted me even without a book deal or an agent. I did use my line about "loving a book so much I wanted to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant" and I wouldn't be surprised if they submit my suggestion when reviewing someone else's book. I contribute in any way I can.

Rebecca said...

OK Tonia, so you know...
It's good I wasn't there, as I feel like such a "Shannon-groupie"
I imagine what a fun time you had together.
Love you, B

ali said...

Amen, sister. I miss writing.